At Stewarding Life Wellness, we encourage people to learn self-doctoring, reducing their reliance on medical practitioners and medications. This entails paying attention to bodily cues, viewing food as medicine, engaging in healthy soul care, getting the appropriate diagnostic testing done, and supplementing as required. This self-reliant strategy encourages better health choices. We can learn more about our bodies and make better decisions for our health if we take charge of our own wellness.
When people take charge of their own healthcare, they have more freedom to experiment with natural and complementary therapies that may enhance the effects of conventional medicine. Self-diagnosis and treatment encourage people to take charge of their health and make preventative care a top priority.
Our Process
Step One
Register as a New Patient. This will set up your personal Patient Portal.
Step Two
Fill out the Membership Agreement (under Questionnaires Section of your new Patient Portal) - Phase 1
Step Three
Set up your first Remote Consultation through the My Appointments section of your Patient Portal.
Step Four
Using Functional Medicine labs, work together to find the areas that need support and learn how to address those areas with mind, body, and soul care.
Step Five
After making solid progress in your healing journey, transition to Self Doctoring Phase to stay connected with support while you maintain your health care!
Step Six
Stay proactive and engaged in your health journey. Don’t wait until symptoms pop up to address them. Run labs on yourself through the Lab Store once or twice a year.